Ajay Rao Massage Therapy
Ajay Rao Massage Therapy
Myofascial Release, massage, bodywork, massage therapy, Active Isolated Stretching, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle pain, foot pain

Hands-on therapy

Slow deep work, myofascial release, relaxation, assisted stretching, Counterstrain

People with chronic pain, complicated issues

and unresolved injuries are welcome


3866 Johns Street, Madison, WI 53714

Just off Cottage Grove Road, near Monona Drive on Madison's east side. Accessible, on and off-street parking, peaceful. In the beige building with green trim. Same building as Oasen Plumbing.

(608) 338-7433


Monday - Wednesday 10 - 6

Friday 10 - 5:00


Customized to your needs. I have over 24 years of experience learning from clients with different shapes, identities, diseases, abilities, strengths, flexibilities, preferences, tolerances, as well as old and recent traumas.

Sessions can be clothing on or off, gentle or deep, lotion or not, slow or brisk.

I enjoy working with clients trying to overcome acute or chronic pains. If you are looking for a massage therapist who listens to you and draws from years of education and clients’ stories and feedback, call or email to see if we are a good match.

As of February 2023, masks are no longer required, but I will wear a mask if you want me to. If pandemic worsens masks may be required again.